TOEFLスピーキングは Independent Task(独立問題)と Integrated task(統合問題)の2つの形式に分かれています。Independent task は唯一リスニングの音声を聞く必要がありません。タスク2から4(質問2から4)まではリスニング音声を聞く必要があります。今回はタスク1の形式であるIndependent Taskについて見てみましょう。
TOEFLスピーキング タスク1(質問1) 概要
TOEFL スピーキング タスク1はIndependent Taskといわれ、出題される設問に対し自分の回答と意見を一方的に発言する問題形式です。
準備時間 | 回答時間 | タスク内容 | |
タスク1 | 15秒 | 45秒 | 日常的な話題 |
TOEFLスピーキング タスク1(質問1) 採点基準
- General Description (タスクの完成度、理解度)
- Delivery(流れ、発音、ペース、イントネーション等)
- Language use(文法と用語の使い方)
- Topic development(内容と論理性)
1.質問に対する回答 | ・問題に対してきちんと回答できているか ・話す内容が論理的で全体的にわかりやすいか |
2.話し方・流暢さ | ・話すスピードが適切で流暢に話せているか ・正しい発音ができているか |
3.文法・語彙の豊富さ | ・文法や語彙が柔軟にかつ正確に使われているか |
4.話の展開 | ・内容が充実しているか ・具体例を取り入れ話を発展させているか |
TOEFLスピーキング スコア換算
0点: 全く話していない
1点: ほとんど話していない、話が発展しておらず、文法と語彙がかなり限定的
2点: 話の展開が限定的で途切れがち。基礎文法の使用
3点: 具体性に欠ける、文法・語彙が限定的であり、発音などに若干問題がある
4点: 構成が明確、文法・語彙が適切に使え、スムーズに話せる
Rubric mean (素点) | Scaled score(1-30点) |
4.00 | 30 |
3.83 | 29 |
3.66 | 28 |
3.5 | 27 |
3.33 | 26 |
3.16 | 24 |
3.00 | 23 |
2.83 | 22 |
2.66 | 20 |
2.50 | 19 |
2.33 | 18 |
2.16 | 17 |
2.00 | 15 |
1.83 | 14 |
1.66 | 13 |
1.50 | 11 |
1.33 | 10 |
1.16 | 9 |
1.00 | 8 |
TOEFL スピーキングタスク1 質問形式
TOEFL スピーキング タスク1の質問では5つの質問形式に分かれています。
- Agree or Disagree (賛成 or反対)
- Preference (選択問題)
- If / Imaginary (仮定問題)
- Description or Explanation (説明問題)
- Advantages and Disadvantages (長所と短所)
- Agree or Disagree
- I agree/disagree that~
- I agree/disagree with ~
- Some people believe that~, but I disagree
2. Preference
- I prefer to 動詞 + 目的語
- I prefer A to B
- I would rather A than B
3. If / Imaginary
- If 主語 + 動詞の過去形, 主語 + would/could/might + 動詞の原形
4. Description or Explanation
- In my opinion, ~
- I believe that ~
5. Advantages and Disadvantages
- The advantage of A is that ~. On the other hand, a disadvantage of A is that ~
- There are certainly pros and cons of ~
- There are certainly benefits and drawbacks of ~
では、TOEFL スピーキング タスク1の特徴を押さえたところで、実際に例題を解いてみましょう。
TOEFLスピーキング タスク1 例題
Which one do you prefer? To buy the newly-released e-product as soon as possible or to wait for a while and then decide whether you want to buy it or not.
I prefer waiting for a while to buying a newly released e-product, because I think the new one is quite expensive, and if I wait for a while, the price will go down, so that I can afford to buy it eventually. For example, last year, I bought my laptop which released in 2017, and I paid 90,000 yen for it while the newly released price is more than 120,000 yen. Furthermore, all the new products are not necessarily better to meet my needs. I would rather stick to my current products that I feel comfortable to use instead of learning to use the complicated features that new e-products usually have. Thus, I don’t think new ones are always better.
Do you agree or disagree that it is important for young people to learn some domestic skills like cooking, sewing and taking care of children?
I believe that young people should learn some domestic skills. First, they had better take care of themselves when they become independent from their parents, because it is impossible for their parents to support them all the time. For example, if they know how to cook, they can enjoy delicious meals for themselves without asking for them to their parents. Second, learning these skills makes them independent. They all need to become mature and self-reliant. Learning some domestic skills can help their lives more satisfying and meaningful. Additionally, learning domestic skills can save a lot of money. Many young people don’t have enough money so this saving can really help.
- Do you think that eating healthy food is easier or more difficult today than it was 40 or 50 years ago? Use examples and details to support your response.
- If the police stop a driver who is driving drunk (after drinking alcohol), do you think that the person’s driver’s license should be taken away? Support your answer.
- Some people enjoy taking risks and trying new things Others are not adventurous: they are cautious and prefer to avoid danger. Which behavior do you think is better? Explain why.
- Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Artists and musicians are important to a society. Use details and examples to explain your answer.
- Some people enjoy spending their free time alone in activities such as reading, thinking, or writing. Others enjoy spending their free time in shared activities with other people. Which do you prefer and why?
- You have been very busy and unable to prepare for the exam tomorrow. You can either stay up late to study and sleepless or just study less and get full night’s sleep. Which will you choose?

TOEFLスピーキング タスク1(質問1) まとめ
TOEFL スピーキング タスク1は、Independent Taskといわれ、唯一自分の意見を述べるパートです。家族、趣味、日常生活での自分の嗜好などの話題の質問が問われます。