問題数 | 設問数 | 時間 | 内容 | |
講義 | 3題 | 各6問 | 約3-5分 | 幅広い分野の教養科目 |
会話 | 2題 | 各5問 | 約3分 | 教授と学生、学生同士などの会話 |

▼multiple choice(選択問題)
4つの選択肢の中から正しいものを一つまたは一つ以上選ぶ問題タイプです。TOEFLリスニングでは最も多い質問形式になります。その中で、必ず ①メインアイディアは必ず聞かれます。その他
③詳細問題 (メインアイディアにつながる詳細が聞かれる問題)
④Attitude 問題(話し手がどのような意見・意図を示しているのかを判断する問題)
⑤Function 問題 (話し手の意図や目的が問われる問題)
⑦Connecting Content 問題 ( 情報展開を整理することが求められる問題)
<問題例①> ➡メインアイディアを聞く問題
Which is the main topic of the lecture?
A. The range of developmental disorders that future teachers should be aware of
B. The varied ways in which Sensory Processing Disorder presents itself
C. The cures for Sensory Processing Disorder
D. How to teach students who are interested in education and children
What does the professor imply about the experience of mimicking the migration of the zooplankton
A. The tides of a large body of water like an ocean certainly impact the migration of the zooplankton
B. It was difficult to see any movement created by the organisms in the tank, and therefore it is assumed that there would be little movement created in an ocean by similar organisms
C. If eddies formed in a small tank with a much smaller number of organisms, then it is highly likely that the same would be true in an ocean with billions of organisms.
D. There is not much validity about the experiment conducted in the lab so the results are flawed.
<問題例③> ➡詳細問題と言われ、メインアイディアの詳細が問われる問題
Why did the student go to see the librarian?
A. In order to sign up for a seminar about using electronic sources for research
B. To inform her that a journal is missing from the reference area
C. To inquire about how to check out journal articles
D. To get help looking for resources for a class paper.
<問題例④> ➡話し手がどのような意見・意図を示しているのかを判断する問題
What can be inferred from paragraph below about the development of sophisticated culture in the history of ancient peoples?
A. It was only possible in areas with distinct seasons.
B. It began in the lower classes and percolated up to the higher classes.
C. It depends on stability in food resources.
D. It is delayed when people spend too much time on leisure activities.
<問題例⑤> ➡話し手の意図や目的が問われる問題
Why does the professor mention that coral reefs support more than 4,000 species of fish?
A. To find out what students know about tropical fish
B. To contrast two types of ocean environments
C. To imply that there may be species in the Southern Ocean that have not been discovered yet
D. To imply that there may be fossil evidence of coral reefs in the Southern Ocean.
<問題例⑥> ➡講義の構成についての問題
How does the professor organize his lecture on blue jeans?
A. In a sequence to explain the various methods of producing this faded and worn look of jeans
B. Through introducing an abstract category like the idea of stone-washing to a specific example of how this is done
C. By creating a question and answer format to involve the students in the topic of blue jeans
D. With explaining the development of different kinds of pants and their impact on the popularity of blue jeans today
<問題例⑦> ➡情報展開を整理することが求められる問題
Which of the following sentences describe stages in the grieving process?
A. A widow develops an allergic reaction to a drug.
B. There is a period of numbness and shock after a death.
C. Someone yearns for a lose friend who has died.
D. A psychologist invents a model for dealing with loss.
E. A survivor feels exhausted, depressed, or disorganized.
Indicate whether each example below indicates a peasant’s right or obligation. Put a checkmark in the correct box.
Right | Obligation | |
a. Working the lord’s fields | ||
b. Grazing animals on common land | ||
c. Representation in court |
The professor discusses the process of basal slip. Put the steps in the correct order.
Answer Choices
A. Friction the glacier and bedrock is reduced.
B. A liquid layer forms at the base of the glacier.
C. The glacier begins to slide.
D. Pressure is increased on the ice.
記号 | 意味 |
&、+ | and |
>、< | 等号、不等号 (~より大きい・小さい、良い・悪い) |
@ | at |
= | is・are、AとBが等しい時など |
〇、✕ | 良い・悪い、正解・不正解 |
→、← | ~になる、方向を示すtoなど |
↑、↓ | 増減、高低、良しあし |
! | 重要 |
? | question, maybe, unsure |
# | number |
b/c | because |
ex. | example |
b4 | before |
w/ | with |
シグナルワードとは、“However”, ”on the other hand”など話の展開や方向性を示す手がかりとなる繋ぎ言葉です。このシグナルワードの後に続く会話は、設問に直接関係する場合があるため、TOEFLリスニングで流れる講義・会話では、シグナルワードが聞こえてきたら特に注意して聞く必要があります。
会話で使われるシンプルな“Okay”,”Now”, ”Well”, “So”といった単語も、話の重要なポイントを示す箇所で使われるため、聞き逃すことのないようにしましょう。
原因 | because, since, for this reason, because of this |
結果 | as a result, so, thus, therefore, consequently |
例 | for example, for instance, such as |
比較 | in contrast, than, likewise, similarly |
対称 | on the other hand, however, but, by contrast |
付加 | furthermore, moreover, besides, also, plus |
換言 | in other words, that is |
結論 | in conclusion, in summary |