


Who prefers travelling abroad? The young or the old?
I think young people like travelling better than older people. (自分の意見)
Because young people have more physical strength and curiosity that drive them to go abroad.(理由)
On the other hand, the older people have more or less mobility issues that can prevent them from moving around a lot. Of course, some older people are active and love to go travelling, but the young are more inquisitive about the world and want to experience new things.(反対意見との対比)
「physical strength(体力)」 「curiosity(好奇心)」 「mobility issues(運動能力の問題)」 「inquisitive(探求心のある)」
「like travelling better than …(比較)」「curiosity that drive them to go abroad.(関係代名詞)」「mobility issues that can prevent them from moving around.(関係代名詞+prevent の構文)」
- 5つのW:「When:いつ」「Where:どこで」「Who:だれが」「What:何を」「Why:なぜ」
- 1つのH:「How:どのように」

What kinds of jobs need imagination?
I think artists and musicians need a lot of imagination.(自分の意見)
Because they need to create something from scratch and originality is their strength, not copying others.(理由)
For example, my friend is an artist. She has a different way of thinking about the world and I sometimes did not understand why she thought about it in such a particular way. But I understand her now that she can create something new because she is different from the majority. The other day, I saw the pictures she took, and the photos show the subjects from different angles. I feel she has different senses of visuals from the majority.(具体例)
例えば、私の友人はアーティストです。彼女は世界について異なる考え方を持っていて、私は時々、彼女がなぜそのような特殊な考え方をするのか理解できませんでした。しかし、彼女が大多数の人とは違うからこそ、新しいものを生み出すことができるのだと、今は理解しています。 先日、彼女が撮影した写真を見たのですが、被写体をさまざまな角度から撮影していました。彼女には視覚的な感覚の違いがあるのだと思います。
「from scratch (いちから)」「 originality (独創性)」「different senses of visuals (異なった視覚的センス)」
「She has a different way of thinking about the world and I sometimes did not understand why she thought about it in such a particular way.(重複分)」「But I understand her now that she can create something new because she is different from the majority. (重複分)」

Sometimes people should tell lies. Do you agree?
I agree that people sometimes need to tell lies.(自分の意見)
I know white lie. it is a good lie. I should not hurt someone particularly my friends or family by telling the truth. Truth is often hard… if they are small or unimportant matters, we do not have to tell the reality. (論理的な理由)
For example, I have many occasions that I did not tell my friends about their makeup. I always think natural is better, but some friends put so much makeup on their face, which is not good for their skin. But I always think if they want to do it, so be it. (具体例)
I think telling lies happens all the time in our lives. It is necessary part of being in a group or society, because you cannot tell truth all the time if you care for others. (考察)
例えば、私は友人の化粧について何も言わなかったことがよくあります。私はいつもナチュラルな方がいいと思っているのですが、友人の中には化粧をしすぎて肌に良くない人もいます。 でも、彼らがやりたいと思うなら、そうすればいいといつも思っています。
「white lie (罪のない嘘)」「 occasions (機会)」「unimportant matter(重要でない事柄)」
「if they are small or unimportant matters, we do not have to tell the reality. (if 節) 」「I have many occasions that I did not tell my friends about their makeup(同格のthat)」「put makeup on (熟語表現)」
「some friends put so much makeup on their face, which is not good for their skin.(非限定用法の関係代名詞)」「so be it(倒置構文)」
Culture [part 3] 6問
Library / Book
Q. What are the advantages of reading books?
A.When it comes to reading books, I could think of various benefits. One of the direct benefits of reading books is that people develop their literacy skills. Children and second-language learners often use books suitable for their levels to acquire a new language, because through reading books their lexical knowledge as well as grammatical knowledge develops. Some scholars argue that reading enhances children’s relational skills because they reflect themselves to the protagonists and re-experience what the character undergoes in the story.
Q. What books are popular in Japan?
A. Children and adults alike read comic books in Japan. The genre of those comic books could be adventures, mysteries, love stories, and friendships. Foreign visitors are quite surprised to see adults, even ones in their 50s, read comic books on the train. These comic books are even translated and exported to many Asian countries.
Q. What is the difference between men and women when choosing what to read?
A.I cannot quite express it well, but generally speaking, I believe men tend to choose “manly books”, such as adventures, biographies, mysteries, and science fictions. On the other hand, women prefer to read romance, fantasies, and human dramas, something considered feminine. I think the covers of book play a crucial role in this, and not necessarily the content of the book.
Q. What kind of books do children like? Why do they like reading it?
A. Children like simple stories; there is a protagonist, either a hero, a heroine, or perhaps both, and there is an evil entity, and the protagonists fight against the evil and win in the end. My theory is that children like to read those simple books because they are utterly powerless in their own lives. There are always parents, teachers, or some other adults who have authority over them. In those simple stories, children reflect themselves on the powerful and free protagonists.
Q. What are the benefits of learning to play musical instruments?
A. One benefit that came into my mind is that musicians learn how to coordinate and collaborate with one another by playing music with others. When playing a musical instrument, often times musicians play with other people, whether it be in orchestras, bands, quartets, or duets. When playing each note, they create harmonies with other instruments. In such circumstances, many people learn how to coordinate and harmonize with other people, which is applicable in non-musical contexts of their lives.
Q. What are the benefits of listening to music?
A.I think a lot of benefits exist when it comes to listening to music, but one in particular sticks out to me. I don’t really know the science behind it, but from what I’ve experienced, I know music can help me “de-stress”. Before taking an exam, I listen to my favourite song. I can feel my heart rate slow down, and I find myself breathing deeply, which help me do well on the exam. This must not just happen to me, because when I watch athletes on TV, I sometimes see them listening to music before their competition or race begins. These athletes include swimmers, skaters, boxers and any type of athlete, really. When listening to music, they seem to be in a trance, concentrating really hard. Then, when they’re ready, they turn off their music and put their “game face” on. If music didn’t help them concentrate and pull out their “game face”, I don’t know what did.
1. Why do people like to use social media? What kinds of things are popular on social media? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media? What do you think of making friends on social network? |
2. When do people feel bored? What can people do when they feel bored? Do people get bored about daily routines? Is it easier for the young people to feel bored than for the old? |
3. What traditional handcrafts are popular in Japan? What do young people think of traditional handcrafts? Do people in your country send handcrafts as gifts? What are the benefits of making handcrafts? |
4. What can governments do to improve people’s health? What activities can school organize for children to keep fit? How can you tell whether a website is reliable or not? Do you think people are healthier now than in the past? |
5. Why do parents let their children play puzzles? What kinds of puzzles improve people’s intelligence? Why are detective stories attractive to people? Which do you think is better? A detective movie or its original novel? |
6. Do people communicate more when they talk face to face? What do young people have conversations about? Do people have conversations more or less than they did in the past? Do you think we need to be good at communication at work? |
7. Do you think arguments are important? What do family members usually have arguments about? Is it easier for you to have arguments with your family or with your friends? Do you think people should change the way they think when having arguments? |
8. How do young and old people use mobile phones differently? What positive and negative impact do mobile phones have on friendship? Is it a waste of time to take pictures with mobile phones? Do you think it is necessary to have laws on the use of mobile phones? |