IELTSジェネラル リーディング【セクション3対策】


IELTS ジェネラルリーディングはセクション1は広告や宣伝などの内容の短文が2つ、セクション2では職場関係の短文が2つ、そしてネックとなる難問・セクション3は学術的な長文1つで構成されています。ここではセクション3の攻略法について説明します。


IELTS ジェネラル リーディングのセクション3は、アカデミックの問題と同じくらい難しいパートです。セクション1, 2は解けるのに、セクション3の長文を読むのに苦戦して、時間が足りなくなってしまう人も多くいます。

セクション毎の設問数は12から13問ですので、パート3で仮に全問正解できないと、他の問題がすべて正解だったとしてもバンドスコアは5.5 どまりとなります。バンドスコア6.0 以上を目指す人はセクション3の対策が必須となります。


Band スコア9.





④True/False/Not given

ジェネラルセクション3 問題形式別の対策

① タイトルマッチング問題(ヘッディング問題)



しかし、「最初の 2 文は必ず読む」ようにしましょう。文の長さにもよりますので、1文目が長く、すべての情報が詰まっているようであれば2分目は省くこともできます。



The Zebras’ long walk across Africa

James Gifford investigates some interesting new research into migration patterns of zebras living
in Botswana in southern Africa

For any animal to travel over 270 km in Botswana partly across the sand and low bush terrain of the Kalahari Dessert is a remarkable achievement. But to do so in 11 days and without any obvious motivation, as this zebra population does, is quite extraordinary. On average their journey involves an exhausting round trip of 588 km – between the Makgadikgadi salt pan area and the Okavango river – making it second only to the great trek undertaken by the zebra herds in the Serengeti National Park. However, what is even more incredible still in my view is that until recently it was completely unheard of.

Hattie Bartlam, a researcher, discovered this migration while she was tracking zebra groups, officially known as harems, by the Okavango River for her PhD, Each harem consists of a stallion and his seven or eight mares with juvenile foals. There is no loyalty between zebras beyond this social group, though harems often gather together into so-called herds. For her study, Hattie had planned to compare the small-scale movement patterns of 11 different zebra herds in the area.

In December, when the annual rains had transformed the roads into rivers, Hattie was, therefore, more than a little surprised when she checked the data sent by the radio collars she fits to the zebras she is tracking to find that six of the harems were 270 km away on the edge of the Makgadikgadi, a huge mineral-rich area where salt has collected over the years as water evaporates in the heat. Then, when the last of the moisture from the rains had disappeared in May the following year, five of those harems came wearily back to the Okavango. This raised the question: why, despite a plentiful supply of food and water, were the zebras being drawn eastwards to the salt pans? Even more difficult to understand was what made six of the groups travel so far, while the other five remained by the Okavango.

This discovery created quite a buzz in the research community. I decided to visit Hattie and she explained that a century ago the large number of Botswana’s zebra and wildebeest herds and the resulting competition for grass made migration essential. One of the migration tracks went from the Okavango to Makgadikgadi. But in the late 1960s, giant fences were put up to stop foot and mouth and other diseases spreading between wildlife and domestic cattle. One of these went across the migration track. Though the animals could get round the obstacle, each leg of their journey would now be 200 km longer – an impossible distance given the lack of permanent water on the extended route. Even today, with the fence gone (it was taken down in 2004), there is dangerously little drinking water to support the zebras on the return journey to the Okavango.

As a zebra can live up to 20 years, the migration must have skipped at least one generation during the 40 or so years that the fences were up. This prompts another question: it has always been assumed that the young of social herbivores like zebras learn migratory behaviour from their parents, so how did the latest generation learn when and where to go? Not from their parents, who were prevented from migrating. Did they follow another species, such as elephants? We may never know.

Hattie’s data points to the conclusion that there are several zebra populations adopting different behaviour. The first, like the vast majority of the Okavango zebras, take it easy, spending the entire year by the river. The second group, 15,000-20,000 strong, work a bit harder. They divide their time between the Makgadikgadi salt pans and the Boteti River, which is reasonably nearby. They sometimes struggle to find water in the Boteti area during the dry season, often moving 30 km in search of fresh grazing. Their reward: the juicy grass around the Makgadikgadi after the rains. The final group of zebras, whose numbers are more modest (though as yet unknown), must surely be considered as among the animal kingdom’s most remarkable athletes. By moving between the Okavango and the salt pans, they enjoy the best of both worlds. But the price they pay is an extraordinary journey across Botswana.

Endangered species naturally tend to grab the headlines, so it’s refreshing for a relatively abundant animal like the zebra to be the centre of attention for once. Zebras are a vital part of the food chain: understanding their migration, in turn, helps us to interpret the movements of their predators, and Hattie’s research has shed light on the impact of fences on migratory animals. So what triggered her interest in zebras? She explains that it is easier to get funding to study exciting animals like lions. Crucial as that undoubtedly is, she believes that herbivores like zebras are key to understanding any ecosystem. The scientific community is fortunate that people like Hattie are willing to take the hard option

For any animal to travel over 270km in Botswana partly across the sand and low bush terrain of the Kalahari Desert is a remarkable achievement. (But to do so in 11 days and without any obvious motivation, as this zebra population does, is quite extraordinary.)
However, what is even more incredible still in my view is that until recently it was completely unheard of. However, what is even more incredible still in my view is that until recently it was completely unheard of. 





Questions 28-34

The reading passage has seven sections, A-G.
Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below.

Write the correct number i-x, in boxes 28-34 on your answer sheet.

List of Headings

i. A decrease in the zebra population
ii. An obstruction on the traditional route
iii. An unknown species
iv. Some confusing information
v. Staying permanently in the Makgadikgadi
vi. Nearly a record in the zebra world
vii. Three different ways of living
viii. The original aim of the work
ix. How was the information passed on?
x. Why it is important to study zebras


【解き方】ヘッディング問題では、まず、Aの段落を読んで設問の i から x.までで当てはまるものを選んでいきます。

ⅰの “A decrease in the zebra population” でしょうか。違います。では、ⅱの “An obstruction on the traditional route?”  と一つひとつ順に見ていきます。

本文の “remarkable achievement, ,quite extraordinary” から分かるように、「すごいことだ!!!」を強調しています。
ⅵの “Nearly a record in the zebra world.”の “record”は「記録破り」、「最高記録」などと訳します。この単語の意味が分からない場合は覚えましょう。これに関連していると判断できます。


B Hattie Bartlam, a researcher, discovered this migration while she was tracking zebra groups, officially known as harems, by the Okavango river for her PhD. ( Each Harem consists of a stallion and his seven or eight mares with juvenile foals)
For her study, Hattie had planned to compare the small-scale movement patterns of 11 different zebra herds in the area. 

「Hattie という研究者が PhD のために Okavango 側付近でゼブラのグループを追跡している時にこの移動を発見しました。(それぞれのグループは1頭のオスと子供を引き連れた 7,8 頭のメスから構成されている)研究のために、Hattie はその付近の11の異なったゼブラの群れの小規模な移動パターンを比べることを計画した」

ここから言えることはひとつしかないと思います。そう、ⅷの ”The original aim of the work”


C In December, when the annual rains had transformed the roads into rivers, Hattie was, therefore, more than a little surprised when she checked the data sent by the radio collars she fits to the zebras she is tracking to find the six of the harems were 270km away of the edge of the Makgadikgadi, a huge mineral-rich area where salt has collected over the years as water evaporates in the heat. 
Even more difficult to understand was what made six of the groups travel so far, while the other five remained by the Okavango. 

(長い場合は要約しましょう)ここでは、12月になると雨季になり道が川に変わる。そのためHattieは 研究中の発信機をつけたゼブラの群れをチェックした時、6つの群れが270キロ離れた所にいると分かって大変驚いた。…………………………………………………………………………………………………….


消去法で上から順番に見ていくと、ここで言えることは、ⅳの ”Some confusing information”


② 空欄穴埋め問題



Zebra tend to live together in small units, which experts call…………………….. Here,  male zebra has charge of a number of adult …………………..and their  young. These units sometimes assemble in bigger groupings or ………………………, but it is still clear that the zebras’ loyalty only extends to the small unit they live in. 

この部分が書かれているのを本文に戻って探します。「小さな群れの単位」について書いてあるところは Bの段落です。ここでは B の段落だけ読めば全てが答えられるようになっています。


A. “Harems/ mares/ herds/”

③ 選択問題

1.How did Hattie feel when she heard some of the zebras had traveled so far?

A) Annoyed because she would have to follow them to Makgadikgadi
B) Disappointed that not all of them made it back to Okavango
C) Frustrated as the rains had made the roads unusable
D) Unsure as to their real motivation for going


ここでのキーワードは “annoyed 「いらいらする」”, “disappointed「がっかりした」”, “frustrated「フラストレーションがたまる」”, “unsure「とまどう」”。そして、ゼブラの群れが遠くまでいることが分かったことを述べているのはCの段落です。

本文では “This raised the question……what made six of the groups travel so far?” と疑問を問いかけていることから、D「」unsure」の感情が一番適切だと分かります。

.When describing the different Botswana zebra populations, the writer indicated

A) His admiration for the ones who migrate the furthest distance.
B) His sympathy for the ones who stay by the Okavango River
C) His disbelief that those by the Boteti have difficulty finding food.
D) His anxiety that their migration patterns may not be able to continue.

“Hattie’s data points to the conclusion that there are several zebra populations adopting different behavior. The first……….”


The final group of zebras, whose numbers are more modest, must surely be considered as among animal kingdom’s most remarkable athletes.「最も素晴らしいアスリートだ」という作者の感情が表れています。答えのキーワードは ”admiration「賞賛」”、”sympathy「同情」”、”disbelief「不信」”、”anxiety「不安」”の、どれでしょうか。



④ True/False/Not givenの問題

このタイプの問題は、IELTS特有の問題と言えます。アカデミックとジェネラルどちらにも頻繁に出題される問題です。「False」と「Not Given」の違いがいまいちわからない方も多いので、こちらの問題形式の対策は別ページで詳しく述べています。下記を参照してください。


IELTS ジェネラルリーディング 【セクション3 対策】まとめ




Metropolitan Academy of English

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