IELTSジェネラル リーディング【セクション1&2の対策】

IELTS リーディングセクション1&2に必要なスキル








段落マッチング問題 (情報マッチング問題)
true/ false/ not given (Yes/No/Not givenも含む)






A. Briggs and Riley Weekender
A weekend suitcase that’s sophisticated and unusually spacious for its type. The strong nylon outer fabric is water and abrasion resistant, so it should handle any knocks without showing signs of damage.

B. Mulberry Scotchgrain
Trimmed in brown leather, with gold details, this bag from the renowned fashion house is a truly indulgent buy. If you’re investing this much in a suitcase then you’d better be planning an amazing holiday to go with it.

C. Rimova Salsa
A design you can trust, this case is built from super light polycarbonate and is incredibly solid. The built-in combination lock offers state-of-the-art security so you can travel with peace of mind.

D. Tripp Holiday
Simple and affordable, the Tripp range offers a great selection of tough cases. They also come in a huge range of cheerful colours that should go with anything you choose to put on, and you’ll definitely be able to spot it on the luggage carousel at the airport.

E. Eastpak Tranverz Holdall
For those who want something in between an annual holiday suitcase and a weekend bag, this is a fantastic compromise. With two wheels and a telescopic handle, the bag is guaranteed for 30 years. Did we mention it also comes in colourful leopard print?

F. Herschel Parcel
From the brand behind some of today’s most popular rucksacks, this suitcase really is a delight. Custom printed, with Herschel’s signature leather toggles this well-crafted case is as cool, stylish and up to date as they come.

G. The Diplomat
Travel in style with this beautiful suitcase that goes back to the days when trains ran on steam and air travel was leisurely. The leather case, part of the Steamline Luggage range, features roller wheels and a metal frame to hold it in shape.


Questions 1 – 7

Look at the seven reviews of suitcases, A-G.
For which suitcase are the following statements true?
Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.

NB You may use any letter more than once.

1. This suitcase is for those who wish to purchase expensive luggage.
2. This suitcase is the right one for people who like to follow the latest fashion.
3. It is easy to choose one of these suitcases to match most clothing.
4. The manufacturer is confident that this suitcase will last a long time.
5. Items in this suitcase will not be affected if it gets wet.
6. This suitcase is of a useful, medium size.
7. Those who want to be reminded of an earlier age of travel will like this suitcase. 

NB: You may use any letter more than once : 「どのアルファベットも2回以上使ってもよい」


1. This suitcase is for those who wish to purchase expensive luggage.

➡まず、段落のAから問題文の情報を探していきます。Bの “indulgent buy” ” invest in” に着目します。indulgent buy は「贅沢な買い物」、invest in は「投資する」ということから、これが高い買い物であることが分かるでしょう。

2. This suitcase is the right one for people who like to follow the latest fashion.

Fの段落の”as cool, stylish and up to date as they come”に着目していください。
as…as they come

3. It is easy to choose one of these suitcases to match most clothing.

➡この問題のキーワード match most clothing が言い換えられている所はどこでしょうか。
D が正解です。
They also come in a huge range of cheerful colours that should go with anything you choose to put on で言い換えられています。


問題4. The manufacturer is confident that this suitcase will last a long time.

the bag is guaranteed for 30 years.
“suitcase will last a long time” と、本文Aの段落の最後の “it should handle any knocks without showing signs of damage”を混同しないように。「長く持つことができる」のと、『損傷のサインがなく、振動に強い』(「振動に強い」➡長く持つ!などと、自分の考えは絶対に入れないこと)のとは同じことではありません。

問題5. Items in this suitcase will not be affected if it gets wet.

The strong nylon outer fabric is water and abrasion resistant

問題6. This suitcase is of a useful, medium size.

For those who want something in between an annual holiday suitcase and a weekend bag, this is a fantastic compromise. With two wheels and a telescopic handle,

問題7. Those who want to be reminded of an earlier age of travel will like this suitcase. 

Travel in style with this beautiful suitcase that goes back to the days when trains ran on steam and air travel was leisurely.

【問題形式②】True/ False/ Not given 問題


Not given:情報を見つけることができない。情報があっているか、間違っているかの判断ができない。



One-Year Acting Course
This is an intensive course which is designed for those who have completed their academic studies and have some theatre or film experience already. In order to be accepted, you should be a high achiever, knowledgeable about the industry and determined to succeed.

Term One: Technical classes in acting, voice, movement, applied movement and characterisation, music, singing, film, radio and professional development. The term finishes with an internal production given for tutors and students.

Term Two: All technical classes continue from term one. There is an internal performance of a one-act play, the recording of an audio showreel at a professional studio and the Showcase Drama in front of an invited audience including casting directors and agents.

Term Three: Technical classes continue with additional focus on audition technique, workshops and masterclasses. This term includes a public performance of a play outdoors in the grounds of Blenheim Palace, and the chance to act a short film recorded on location by a professional crew.

True/ False/ Not given 問題の例】

Questions 8-10
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text?

In boxes 8-10 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

  1. Students can begin the one-year course without any previous involvement in acting.
  2. Students will act in a performance in front of their classmates at the end of the first term.
  3. Family members may attend a performance during the second term.


8.Students can begin the one-year course without any previous involvement in acting.

This is an intensive course which is designed for those who have completed their academic studies and have some theatre or film experience already.と書いてあります。


解答用紙には必ず、True, False, Not givenと記載しましょう。F、T、NG、と記載しないように。また、Yes, No, Not givenと混同しないようにしましょう。

9. Students will act in a performance in front of their classmates at the end of the first term.

The term finishes with an internal production given for tutors and students.と書いてあります。つまり、先生と学生のためにクラス内のプロダクション(舞台制作)をすることが書かれています。

10. Family members may attend a performance during the second term.

➡この情報は、second term (2学期)の段落を見てみましょう。
and the Showcase Drama in front of an invited audience including casting directors and agents. 
ですので答えは、Not Givenとなります。

このTrue/ False/ Not given の問題は、IELTS特有で間違えやすいため、別プログで詳しく説明しています。必要な方は下記を参照して下さい。

【問題形式③】穴埋め 問題

文字通り、文章の中の空欄を埋める問題です。No more than three word (3文字以内)と指示が出ますので必ず指示に従いましょう。




Emergency procedures
Revised July 2011

This applies to all persons on the school campus:

In cases of emergency (e.g. fire), find the nearest teacher who will send a messenger at full speed to the Office or inform the Office via phone ext. 99.

Procedure for evacuation

  1. Warning of an emergency evacuation will be marked by a number of short bell rings. (In the event of a power failure, this may be a hand-held bell or siren.)
  2. All class work will cease immediately.
  3. Students will leave their bags, books and other possessions where they are.
  4. Teachers will take the class rolls.
  5. Classes will vacate the premises using the nearest staircase. If these stairs are inaccessible, use the nearest alternative staircase. Do not use the lifts. Do not run.


Questions 1–3
Read the text above for questions 1–8 and complete the sentences below. Choose no more than three words from the text for each answer.

1 In an emergency, a teacher will either phone the office or ……………….. .
2 The signal for evacuation will normally be several ……………….. .
3 If possible, students should leave the building by the ……………….. .


1 In an emergency, a teacher will either phone the office or ……………….. .

”teacher who will send a messenger at full speed to the Office or inform the Office via phone ext. 99.”

inform the Office via phone ext. 99が phone the officeに書き換えられています。ではそれとor でつながっている部分をそのまま抜き出していきます。3文字までなので、答えは「send a messanger」となります。

2 The signal for evacuation will normally be several ……………….. .

➡解答は順番通りですので、問題1の続きから見ていきます。1. Warning of an emergency evacuation will be marked by a number of short bell rings.ここでの書き換えは several、本文では a number of となっています(厳密な意味での書き換えでなくても気にしないようにしましょう)。そのほか、the signal for evacuation が本文では warning of an emergency evacuationと言い換えられています。ですので解答は「short bell rings」 「bell rings」だけでも正解です。3文字までですので文法的にshort を入れてもshortを入れなくても間違いでない場合は、どちらも許されます。しかし文法的に正しくない場合は間違いとなります。例えば問題文が

The signal for evacuation will normally be several brief ……………….. .
The signal for evacuation will normally be several ……………….. .that are brief.


3 If possible, students should leave the building by the ……………….. .

➡この問題は少し飛んで、5.Classes will vacate the premises using the nearest staircase. If these stairs are inaccessible, use the nearest alternative staircase. Do not use the lifts. Do not run. の中で言い換えられています。解いてみましょう。


解答:nearest staircase
the がついているので注意。Byは手段を表し、階段という手段でという意味を表します。

【問題形式④】表穴埋め 問題

表の穴埋め問題は③の穴埋め問題と似ていますが、分かりやすく項目別になっているため、こちらの問題の方がキーワードを探しやすいので解きやすいと言えます。ここで点数を落とさないようにしましょう。解答の単語の文字数が決められていますのでここでも文字数には気をつけましょう。ここの例題では、NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER(2語以内もしくは、一連の数字と2語の組み合わせも可能)と記載されています。

NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER(数字を含めた2語以内もしくは、数字と2語の組み合わせも可能)という意味です。例えば、「3 health issues」, もしくは 「2 items」のどちらでも構いません。記載の仕方は、「three health issues 」と3の数字をアルファベットにしても間違いにはなりません。


Black Holes Reading Passage

In space, a black hole is a region where the pulling force of gravity is so great that light is even unable to escape. The matter is compressed into a tiny space so strong gravity occurs. At the end of the star’s life, compression will take place. Some black holes are formed as a result of dying stars. Black holes are not visible to our eyes because no light can escape. . But, we can see the black holes using telescopes with special instruments. It enables us to observe the material and stars’ behaviour that are very close to black holes.

The size of black holes varies, but there are three major types of black holes. Both black holes’ mass and size will determine what type it is. Primordial black holes are considered as the smallest one. According to scientists, this kind of black hole size is as small as a single atom and with the mass of a large mountain. It is thought to have formed early in the universe after the big bang. “Stellar” is regarded as the most common medium-sized black holes. The mass of the stellar black hole is up to 20 times greater than the mass of the sun. In the Milky Way Galaxy, dozens of stellar black holes can exist. The largest black holes is referred to as “supermassive”. This kind of black holes masses are greater than 1 million suns combined. Sagittarius is the name for the supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky way galaxy.

Questions 1 – 5
Complete the table below.

Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for each answer.

Black Hole (based on size)Characteristics
Primordial black holeIt is considered 1_____ one out of all black holes
Its size is small as single atom with mass of a 2_______
3_________It is considered as the most common medium-sized black hole
The mass of the black hole is up to 4______ greater than the mass of the sun.
Supermassive black holeThis black hole mass is 5______ than 1 million suns combined

It is considered 1_____ one out of all black holes

➡ここは Primordial black hole の Characteristics(特徴)を述べている箇所ですので、キーワード Primordial black holeを探していきます。2段落目の2行目にあります。Primordial black holes are considered as the smallest one. と記載されていますので答えは、the smallest となります。最上級なので the を忘れないようにしましょう。

Its size is small as single atom with mass of a 2_______ 

➡Primordial black hole の Characteristics(特徴)の項目にありますので、続きを読んでいきます。本文で this kind of black hole size is as small as a single atom and with the mass of a large mountain. とほぼ言い換えがなく書いてありますので答えは large mountain です。

この問題は、black holeの種類を聞いていて、特徴は右側に書かれています。the most common medium-sized black hole(最も一般的な中サイズのブラックホール)と記載されているので、中くらいのブラックホールが何かを本文から探します。“Stellar” is regarded as the most common medium-sized black holes.がみつけられましたか。
答えは Stellar になります。他の項目例を見習い、最初の頭文字は大文字にしましょう。



解答:20 times



IELTSジェネラルリーディング セクション1と2 まとめ

IELTS ジェネラルリーディングのセクション1と2は本文を先に読む必要はありません。その分順序よく段落1から解答を探していきましょう。まず問題文でキーワードを探し、本文で書いてある箇所を探していきます。同じ単語がいくつか使われている所を本文中で見つけることができるはずです。



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