IELTSライティング 地図問題【解答例付き】


IELTSライティング アカデミックのタスク1は、図表、地図、プロセスの内容をリポートする課題です。

  1. 図や表の解析
  2. 地図問題/都市や公共施設の移り変わり・変化
  3. ダイアグラム・プロセス問題





タスク1は、どのタイプの課題でも、イントロ ➡ 概要(まとめ) ➡ 詳細1 ➡ 詳細2 の4段落構成で書きます。

段落1イントロ:問題文のパラフレーズ (書き換え)
段落2概要めの文: 全体をざっくりと説明する (メインの特徴を2つほど挙げて、2, 3文でまとめる)
段落3詳細1: 特徴を細かく述べる
段落4詳細2: 段落3以外の特徴を細かく述べる


IELTSのライティング タスク1の地図問題を分類すると、3つのパターンに分けることができます。

① 過去から過去への変化
② 過去から現在への変化 (BeforeとAfterの変化)
③ 現在から未来の変化

※ ほとんどの問題は2つの地図の比較ですが、3つ地図が記載される場合もあります。
【例】1990, 2010, 2020年の学校の地図(下記を参照)


①のように、過去から過去の地図を示しているのであれば、時制はすべて過去形 (過去完了を使う必要はありません) に統一しましょう。



地図問題 例題 パターン1:過去から過去への変化

The diagram shows the changes that had taken place at West Park Secondary School since its construction in 1950.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 

地図問題 パターン1の解答例

The maps illustrate how a secondary school called West Park Secondary School changed over a period of 60 years from 1950 to 2010.

Overall, although the main building itself remained the same, the school had undergone a significant transformation with the emergence of new facilities by 2010 
※ “by 2010” のように「~までには」という表現を使用した場合、必須ではありませんが、現在完了形を使用することもできます。

From 1950 to 1980, while the main building and the play ground were still there, the houses were demolished to make way for an additional block of the school and a new car park whereas a sports field replaced the old farmland. 

By 2010, the science block and the school had been stayed unchanged. The car park was widened and replaced the area of the sports field, leading to the sports field being diminished and moved into a small part of the playground area. As a result, the playground was reduced in size. 

地図問題 例題 パターン2:過去から現在への変化(BEFORE〈過去形〉とAFTER〈現在形〉の変化)

The maps below show changes in the Spanish city of Castellon in recent times.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 

地図問題 パターン2の解答例

The two maps show the changes which have taken place in the town of Castellon between the year 2000 and today.

In general, it appears that Castellon has become a much more modern city, with far more shopping and transport facilities.

One interesting change is that a new tram line has been built connect the university with the town centre. In 2002, there was not any accommodation for students, but a hall of residence has been built near the university. Another striking change is that the old market in the west of the city has been knocked down to make way for new shops. A complete new covered market has also been built on the other side of town.

If we look at the port area, it has been pedestrianized since 2000, and a range of entertainment facilities have been built, such as cinema, bars and clubs. The north-east of the city used to be a green area with lots of trees, but the trees have been cut down and a new shopping complex has been constructed. A final interesting development has been the introduction of a bike-rental scheme in the city centre.

地図問題 例題 パターン3:現在から未来の変化

The plans below show the layout of a university’s sports centre now, and how it will look after redevelopment.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

 地図問題 パターン3の解答例

The diagrams detail the present construction of a sports centre and plans for its renovation. 

Overall , it is immediately apparent that there are plans to remove the outdoor courts and expand the gym with additional facilities, although the center pool will remain unchanged. 

Looking the both maps closely, the outdoor courts in both sides of the gym are planned to be demolished in favour of a leisure pool and sports hall. The entire main building will not undergo any modification including the changing room, reception and seating area. The only exception is that the gym on the northern end of the building is going to be enlarged eastwards and connect with two new adjoining dance studios.

When we look at  other changes, in the southeast of the planned sports hall,  the university will add an additional changing room and a cafe to the west. A new sports shop will open next to the changing room  in the south west . 

ライティング タスク1の20分の時間の使い方

IELTS のライティングは時間との闘いです。そのため、書き始める前のしっかりとしたプランニングが非常に重要です。

ライティング タスク1のアウトラインの作り方

  1. まずは問題文を読み、どのタイプのタスク1の課題かを把握しましょう。
  2. 次に「どの時制で統一するか」を決めます。
  3. 時制を決めたら、ざっと見た特徴を考えましょう。(まとめに必要な特徴を2つ挙げる)
  4. 大まかな特徴が分かったら、詳細点をいくつか箇条書きにしましょう。


※ 重要!





地図特有の表現 🗺

IELTSライティング アカデミックタスク1の地図問題に使える表現をご紹介します。使いまわせるので、覚えておきましょう。


  • be built / constructed:~(建築物)が造られる
    【例】A café was constructed in the north of the park.
  • be developed: ~が開発される
    【例】Residential area has been developed.
  •  be replaced by:に取って換わる
    【例】The fountain was replaced by a large square rose garden.
  • be turned into:~に変わる、なる
    【例】This street will be turned into a pedestrian precinct
  • be demolished:が取り壊される
    【例】An old house destined to be demolished.
  • be knocked down / be pulled down / be taken down / be tore down:~が取り壊される
    【例】The independent shops are taken down to make way for a big shopping mall.
  • be converted / be transformed :~に変化する
    【例】The village was transformed into a modern city. 
  • be cut down:~が伐採される
    【例】The trees were cut down in order to make a parking lot. 
  • be updated:~が改善される・アップデートされる
    【例】The concert hall  is going to be updated to a larger auditorium. 
  • be modernized:~近代化される
    【例】The library has been modernized to increase users.
  • be enlarged ~が拡大される
    【例】The gym was enlarged southward.
  • be extended:~〈土地・建物・領土などを〉を広げる、拡張する;〈事業・勢力などを〉拡大する
    【例】The main building was extended to have more rooms.
  • be relocated to:~に移転する、移る
    【例】The pool was relocated to the west side of the building.


  • be newer and more modern:新しく・モダンになる
    【例】The hotel has become newer and more modern.
  • be larger / be bigger:大きくなる
    【例】The playground was larger than it used to.
  • expand:拡大する
    【例】The gym is going to expand to the south.
  • double:二倍になる
    【例】The building has doubled in size.
  • undergo:経験する、受ける
    【例】The area has undergone extensive development.


  • make way for A:Aのために余地を作る
    【例】the outdoor courts were demolished to make way for new dance studios.
  • There used to be A but:Aがそこに存在したが
    【例】There used to be a big farmhouse, but it was converted to a church.
  • One of the noticeable changes is:一つの顕著な変化は
    【例】One of the noticeable changes is development of skyscrapers.               

地図特有の表現方法 練習問題



Q1. The old house (              ) (              ) and a new one has been (              ).

A1. The old house was demolished and a new one has been constructed

Q2. There (            ) (            ) (           ) a supermarket in 1990, but it was (               ) by a theater.

A2. There used to be a supermarket in 1990, but it was replaced by a theater.

Q3. A sport centre used to  (           ) (           ) to the south of the town but was (              ) to the north-west.

A3. A sport centre used to be located to the south of the town but was relocated to the north-west.

Q4. One of the  (            ) (            ) is that the main campus has (               ) renovation.

A4. One of the noticeable changes is that the main campus has undergone renovation.

Q5. The trees  (            ) (            ) (            ) and the areas has become a residential area.

A5. The trees were cut down and the area has become a residential area. 

Q6. The parking lot (            ) (            ) to accommodate more parking.

A6. The parking lot was expanded to accommodate more parking

Q7. The south section (            ) (            ) into a block of apartments.

A7. The south section was developed into a block of apartments.


IELTSライティング タスク1の地図問題では、方角を表す必要があります。英語圏では必ず東西南北、つまり North, South, West, East を使います。「上」や「右」といった言葉で場所を指し示すことはありません。


  • The forest to the south of the river was cut down.
  • A golf course was constructed to the north of the airport.
  • The houses in the south-west of the town were demolished.
  • The green fields to the north-west of the city were redeveloped as a park.
  • The airport in the centre of the city was relocated to the north-east of the river.
  • The school to the south-east was knocked down and a new one built to the east of the forest.

その他、at / in / on / by / beside / to / off / from / next to / in front of / adjacent to なども場所や方角を表すのに使います。


  • Dramatic changes took place in the city centre.
  • To the south of the town, there is a golf course surrounded by trees.
  • A new school was built next to the swimming pool.
  • The old road running from north to south was replaced by a new motorway.
  • A marina was built on the banks of the river.
  • The children’s play area is located just off the marked trail. 
  • In front of the school, a supermarket was built. 
  • the hotel is situated adjacent to the library. 


アカデミックライティングのタスク1の地図問題は過去から過去、もしくは過去から現在、現在から未来への移り変わりかによって時制が変化しますので注意しましょう。また、方角は North/South/West/East を使用してどこに何があって、どのような変化を遂げたのかを描写します。地図特有の表現の仕方は使い回しができるので、しっかりと覚えて高得点を目指そう。また、時間の短縮にも役立ちます。


Metropolitan Academy of English

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