IELTS スピーキング┃独学でスコアアップ

IELTS スピーキング ┃独学でできるスコアアップ対策 便利な強調表現ー副詞の活用

IELTS スピーキングに限らず、日頃から自分の意見を主張することはとても大事なことです。

例1)absolutely, always, not…at all  などの副詞の導入

absolutely agree with the idea xxxxxx. 
I’m enjoying it a lot.
I will learn Spanish for sure
currently work as an office manager
So yes, I definitely have to work with other people.


A: I really like your plan!
B: Yes, it’s pretty good … but it needs a little revising.
A: Of course, you did a very good job, but you might need to consider a few more points.
B: Yes, it will probably be more effective if you highlight the staffing requirements and expand on the budget.


• always           – “I always get up in the morning and go to the gym.”  
• often         –  “I am often late to my fitness class.” 
• usually          – “She usually wakes up at 8am.”  
• sometimes           –  “He is sometimes tired after attending meetings.”   
• occasionally          – “We occasionally take a walk in the park.”
• rarely         –  “They rarely eat at that restaurant.”
• seldom         –  “I seldom go to the library to study.” 
• never         –  “It is never cloudy.”



例えば、“I caught a fish as big as my house.” という表現は「家と同じぐらい大きい魚」となりますが、誰もそのままの意味で解釈する人はいません。比喩的表現を取り入れて効果的に自分の意見をいうことができます。


【likeの代わりにlove/ do not likeの代わりに hate, despise 】

“I’ve heard that a million times” 
“I used an enormous amount of salt in the dish”
“I don’t have any idea”
” I hate him!”

IELTS スピーキング Part 1 の頻出トピックに挑戦してみましょう。



Q. What did you study whey you were a college student? 

A. I studied English literature ,but I didn’t know what I should take at that time at all . I absolutely regret the fact that I ended up taking  English literature  I was never interested in just because the subject was  the most popular choice for Japanese women back then. 

Q. Why did you choose the subject? 

A. As I said, I didn’t have any idea what I wanted to do then. So, I settled down to the most popular subject, which was English Literature. I should have taken economics because I love the analytical process and I am good at it.  

Q. What did you like about your studies? 

A. I ,for the most part, didn’t like the subject. but one class I was strongly interested in was phonology. This is because the sound of language has a set of rules, specific to  particular language groups. very interesting!


Q. What is your job? 

A. I work for a insurance company as a sale rep. I have been working for , well,  forever. I  love meeting new people and promote our products I trust. every day is always different. I am never bored. 

Q. How do you like about your job?

A. I really like my job, because I like sales and marketing. Marketing is not simple at all, phycological effects are important to increase the sales as well. I analyse the sale figures all the time, but many factors need to be taken into consideration to increase sales. 

Q. What responsibilities do you have at work?

A. Tons!  first need to answer my customers’ emails in the morning, Then,  write a detailed report for a meeting,  find out the market trend and so on. I sometimes finish my work late at night. 

Q. Is it a popular job in your country? 

A. I think so. Many inexperienced employees involve sales at first, because, as you know, sales are most important matter for business success. if we cannot sale our products, the company does not make money at all. No sales, No money

Hometown 【No.1頻出トピック】

Q. Where is your home town? 

A. My home town is called Chiba. It is a next prefecture to Tokyo. I absolutely like my hometown because there are a lot of nature like mountain and the ocean, lakes to enjoy. the population is increasing year by year due to the location and its laid-back environment. 

Q. What is a historical place in your hometown? 

A. Well, I don’t know actually. but if you ask me, I would say, um… the park near my house has ancient mounds where pretty famous lords were buried there. I read the detail in front of the mounds before, but I completely forget about who, when , the sort of things. 

Q. Has your hometown changed much since you were a child? 

A. Not much, I don’t see any change happened to my hometown. Maybe, there are more shopping malls and condos in downtown. 

Q. Is there good transportation in your hometown? 

A. Yes, of course. Public busses and trains are always available and run frequently. I boast of Japan’s transportation, because it is really advanced. 

IELTS スピーキング ┃独学でスコアアップ対策 覚えればすぐに使える!人の性格を表す便利な形容詞

IELTS スピーキングで頻出する課題として、友達や家族、先生について話すことがあります。対象が誰であるにせよ、人の性格について表現する形容詞を覚えておくと便利です。試験だけではなく、日常の様々な場面で役に立ちますので、下記で取り上げる形容詞はぜひ覚えてください。
もちろん形容詞なので、” He is/ She is … ”  の後に続けます。

例文】“I proud of my mother because she is hardworking, considerate and very energetic.” 
“I look up on my teacher who is very supportive and self-motivated.”



self-motivated — 意欲的な

affable — 話やすい、気さくな 

personable ー 愛想のよい、感じのよい (= having a pleasant appearance and manner)

agreeable — 愛想のよい、人当たりのよい (= pleasant and try to please people) 

amiable — 友好的な

polite — 礼儀正しい

likable — 好感の持てる、好ましい

gregarious — 人と接するのが好きな

extrovert — 社交的な (=social,outgoing ⇔ introvert 「内気な」)

considerate — 思いやりのある

sympathetic — 同情心のある

understanding — 理解力のある、物分かりのよい (sympathetic と同様、同情心の厚いという意味もある)

diplomatic — 外交的な、人付き合いの巧みな

impartial — 公平な (⇔ partial 「不公平な」)

straight-forward — 正直な、素直な

generous — 寛容な

helpful — 人助けになる

patient — 忍耐強い

Resourceful — (問題処理の手を)色々考えつく

Proactive — 率先的な

Practical — 現実的な

organised — 几帳面な

efficient — 効率的な

hardworking — 働き者の

diligent — 勤勉な

versatile — 多芸多才の

adaptable — 順応できる

dependable — 頼れる、頼もしい (= reliable

trustworthy — 信頼できる

energetic — エネルギッシュな、元気旺盛な

adventurous — 冒険好きの

enthusiastic — 熱心な、熱狂的な

cheerful — 陽気な (=feisty 「元気旺盛な」)

chatty — 話好きな (talkativeは、 口数の多いというネガティブなイメージ)

non-judgmental —(個人的・一方的・断定的)判断を避ける

laid-back — リラックスした、のんきな (=easy-going)

determined — 決心の堅い

passionate — 情熱的な

decisive — 決断力のある (⇔ indecisive 「優柔不断な」)

courageous — 勇気のある

fearless — 恐れを知らない




Metropolitan Academy of English

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