IELTSライティング 解答例





IELTSライティングの採点基準は以下の4つ (IELTS の公式 band descriptors を参照してください) 

① Task Achievement ➡ 質問にきちんと答えているか
② Coherence and Cohesion ➡ 論理的であるか
③ Lexical Resources ➡ 語彙
④ Grammatical Range and Accuracy ➡文法の複雑さと正確性

スコア 6.0が取れる人は大抵、4つのライティングの判定基準をある程度クリアしている人です。しかし、6.0以上を目指したい方は「これ以上何をしていいのか」と頭を抱えている人も多いのではないかと思います。まずは、7.0の評価基準をしっかりと頭に入れて対策を取りましょう。

定義– addresses all parts of the task

– presents presents a clear position
throughout the response

– presents, extends and supports main ideas,
but there may be a tendency to overgeneralise
and/or supporting ideas may lack focus
– logically organises information and ideas; there is clear progression throughout

– uses a range of cohesive devices appropriately although there may be some under-/over-use

– presents a clear central topic within each paragraph
– uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision

– uses less common lexical items with some awareness of style and collocation

– may produce occasional errors in word choice, spelling and/or word formation
– uses a variety of complex

– produces frequent error-free sentences

– has good control of grammar and punctuation but may make a few errors
日本語訳– すべてのポイントがカバーされている

– トピックに関した自分の意見が明確に示されている

– トピックのメインアイデアが提示されており、
理由がしっかりと裏付けされている が、自分の
– 情報や考察を一貫して述べることができ、論理的かつ明確なトピックの発展がある

– さまざまな文章を繋げる表現を適切に使っているが、使われ過ぎ、もしくは不足していることがある

– 各段落には明確な主旨が述べられている
– 適切かつ柔軟に様々な語彙が使われている

– アカデミック用語や表現、熟語を適切に使用している

– 単語の使用法やスペル、語形成(造語法)において時々間違いがみられる
– 複雑な文法(複文、複合文)を使用している

– 文法ミスのない文が頻繁にある

– 文法と句読点を適切に使用しているが、少々の間違いが見受けられる
IELTS Writing Assessment Criteria band 7

バンドスコア 7 を取るには、以下の4つの項目を達成している必要があることがわかります。

  • すべてのポイントがカバーされている
  • 文法のミスはあまり見受けられない
  • .自分の主張が明確に述べられており、しっかりと裏図けされている
  • リンキングワードや接続詞を適切に使えている
  • 論理的な話の展開とまとまりがある
  • 少々の間違いがあるにせよアカデミックな語彙を十分に取り入れている
  • 複合文(when/if/although/whileなどの従属節を伴う)、重複文(複合文がand やbutなどでつながっている)が使用されている
  • Topic-specific words(分野別用語)を使用しており、曖昧な表現(things, matters, good, stuff)が少ない


IELTS ライティング解答例<タスク1>


  1. イントロ(問題文の書き換え)
  2. 概要(目立つ特徴を述べる)
  3. 詳細1(数字を必ず入れる)
  4. 詳細2(比較級を使う)


例題 Bar Chart


1. イントロ(問題文の書き換え)

The given bar chart illustrates the percentage of residents’ coffee and tea purchasing and consuming habits in last 4 weeks in five different cities, which were Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Hobart in Australia.

2. 概要(目立つ特徴を述べる)

In general, it is evident that going to a cafe to have coffee or tea was the most common habit, except in Adelaide. Additionally, the percentage of people buying instant coffee was always higher than that of those purchasing fresh coffee in all the cities.


In terms of Sydney and Melbourne, while the percentage of Sydney’s people drinking tea or coffee at a cafe was about 60%, the figure for Melbourne was slightly higher, at around 63%. Meanwhile, above 45% of citizens in Sydney and Melbourne had a habit of buying instant coffee, whereas the proportions of those purchasing fresh coffee in these two cities were around 44% and 43% respectively.


Moving on to the remaining cities, having coffee or tea at a cafe accounted for the largest percentage of people in Hobart, followed by Brisbane and Adelaide, at approximately 51% and 49% respectively. In the meantime, around 53% of people in Brisbane and Hobart chose to buy instant coffee, compared to nearly 50% of those in Adelaide. Finally, a close similarity can be seen in the percentage of people buying fresh coffee in Brisbane and Adelaide, at around 34%, while Hobart’s figure was little higher, at roughly 38%.


  • The line graph illustrate
  • The table gives information on
  • The pie chart compares
  • The bar graph provide date on


  • account for 50% (50%を占める)
  • make up 10% (10%を占める)
  • an upward trend (上昇傾向)
  • a downward trend (下降傾向)
  • reach the low of (最低値に達する)
  • reach the high of (最高値に達する)


  • 書き換え(パラフレーズ)をしましょう
  • 過去形が多いと思いますが、時制に気をつけましょう
  • 複数の図表がある時はすべてについて言及しましょう
  • 主な特徴をまとめましょう
  • 数値を入れて表現しましょう

IELTS ライティング解答例1<タスク2>



IELTSのライティングのエッセイには5つのタイプに分かれます。今回は4番の「Direct Questionエッセイ」と頻度の高い③「Discussion Opinionエッセイ」の解答例を挙げます。タイプ別にストラクチャーが多少変わりますので、詳しくは別ブログのエッセイ別の対策を参照してください。

①Discussion エッセイ (advantage disadvantage エッセイ)
②Opinion エッセイ
③Discussion opinion エッセイ
④Direct Question エッセイ
⑤Cause and Solution エッセイ

▼例題 Direct Question エッセイ

In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people.

Why might this be the case?
Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?


1. イントロ(問題文の言いかえ)

People in some countries now consider owning a home to be more important than renting one. This essay will discuss the underlying reasons for this preference and elaborate on why it is a negative development.

2. 段落1(トピックに対する答え1)

There are several reasons for people’s preference for home ownership. First, owning a house or an apartment means that they do not have to waste time on accommodation hunting when a rental contract expires. Therefore, they can just focus on their career goals or other important things, such as marriage. Furthermore, many people nowadays buy a home with a mortgage, and so they know the exact amount of money they owe and also the fixed amount they have to pay monthly. This allows people to make a clear long-term financial plan for the future.

3. 段落2(トピックに対する答え2)

However, the trend that many people value home ownership over rented accommodation is negative due to the following reasons. While a tenant can easily terminate a rental contract and find a new place if they are not satisfied with their current accommodation, it is very difficult for home owners to do the same. In other words, once a person makes an unwise decision and buys a home that they later regret, they are usually left with only two options: either make the home available for rent or accept living in a place they are not happy with.


In conclusion, people in some countries now prefer to buy their home because they value stability that owning a home provides and want to have clear future plans. However, unless thorough considerations are made, home owners may have to face undesirable outcomes from such a decision.


IELTS ライティング解答例2<タスク2>

ここでは、IELTSライティング・タスク2の高得点のサンプル例 (band 9)を挙げます。

例題 Discussion Opinionエッセイ

Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


Although there is no doubt that crime must be punished, it is important to consider which type of penal system is most appropriate. While some believe that a system of fixed sentences would be adopted, I support the view that punishments should be based on motives and circumstances.

Those who advocate implementing a judicial process of set punishments may argue that this would make criminal trials more efficient. For example, once a jury has decided a particular defendant is guilty of murder, the judge need only refer to the ‘punishment for murder’ to sentence that person to life imprisonment. The benefit of this is that a huge amount of time would be saved in court, thus leading to significant financial savings. As a result, more money could be spent on healthcare, education and welfare.

However, I would argue that the above system is too rigid, and a process of ‘flexible’ punishments is much fairer. The latter punishment system, which many countries use, leaves more room for compassion toward offenders who have been blackmailed or manipulated. For instance, under this system, if a thief is able to prove that he had been bullied into committing his crime, he should be sentenced to less prison time than a thief who had been motivated by greed. If, instead, fixed punishments were implemented, this sense of fairness and morality would be lost.

In conclusion, although a legal system of fixed punishments might be more cost-effective and efficient, I believe that a procedure of assessing crimes based on circumstances and motives is more just, and justice, in my view, is paramount.

(266 words)



  • Many people are talking about
  • There is no doubt that
  • It is true that
  • In some communities,
  • In recent times,


  • Many people are talking about
  • There is no doubt that
  • It is ture that
  • In some communities,
  • In recent times,
  • In the modern world,


  • 問題文で問われていることをしっかりと把握しましょう
  • 最近の社会問題に精通しよう
  • 書きすぎに注意しましょう
  • 4段落構成で書きましょう
  • 文法ミスやスペルミスなどのケアレスミスをなくしていきましょう

IELTSライティング 解答例 まとめ




Metropolitan Academy of English

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