TOEFLスピーキング テンプレートは必須【解答例付き】




まずはTOEFL スピーキングの概要を確認

TOEFL スピーキングセクションの概要を確認しておきましょう。

Q1はIndependent task(独立問題)と言い、質問に対し自分の意見を述べる問題。
Q2-4はIntegrated task(統合問題)と言い、リーディングやリスニングとの統合問題です。自分の意見ではなく、リポートの内容をまとめます。

Q1Independent task15秒45秒一般的な話題
Q2Integrated task (Reading+Listening)30秒60秒キャンパス生活に関する話題
Q3Integrated task (Reading+Listening)30秒60秒講義の一部
Q4Integrated task (Listening)20秒60秒講義の一部


TOEFLスピーキング各タスク別 テンプレート

タスク1・Q1: Independent task (独立問題)

TOEFL スピーキングのタスク1では、一般的にキャンパスの出来事や学生生活に関連したトピックについて質問されます。回答の準備時間は15秒、実際にスピーチする時間はたった45秒です。

「Which do you prefer?」
「Agree or disagree?」





I think (聞かれていること)is better for several reasons.
First, (1つ目の理由)
Second, (2つ目の理由)
For example, …
For these reasons, I believe xx is better.


Some people think it is more fun to spend time with friends in restaurants or cafes. Others think it is more fun to spend time with friends at home. Which do you think is better? Explain why.

I think it is more fun to spend time with friends at home. First, home environment is more comfortable and relaxing, so we can do many things together without worrying about others. Such fun activities we can do at home include video gaming, even doing homework together or just talking, discussing one another. Second, at home, if we become hungry, we can cook anything we want, or even buying some snacks at a nearest convenience store. These are again fun sharing activities and we do not need to spend money in a restaurant or cafe.

タスク2・Q2 :Integrated task (統合問題)

TOEFL スピーキングのタスク2では、キャンパス生活に関連したトピックについて、リーディングとリスニングを踏まえた上で質問に答える問題が出題されます。

  • リスニングの時に、リーディングの画面は消えてしまうため、リーディングの内容を簡潔にメモしておきましょう。
  • リスニングの内容は、登場人物ごとの意見を分けて、なるべく詳しくメモを取りましょう。
  • 動詞の時制は現在形を使います。


The campus announcement talks about (リーディングの概要)
The man/woman disagrees/agrees with the announcement.
First, (1つ目の理由)
Second, (2つ目の理由)
Third, (3つ目の理由があれば)
➡(時間があれば)For these reasons, the man/women disagrees/agrees with the announcement.


The library is in desperate need of more staff. The librarians are so overworked and exhausted. They have to run around tired trying to help students, and everyone ends up waiting an extremely long time. The library gets backed-up and no one wins. Even though there are some student workers, they are not much use. They don’t know what they’re doing, so the librarians have to do all the work. The school should hire some more professional librarians to assist our busy and crowded library as soon as possible. Remember everyone, finals are just around the corner, and we need a functioning library before then!

Tamara Schull


Woman: Hey Adam, what’s new?
Man: Not much. I just finished reading this letter in the paper.
Woman: Oh, Tamara’s?
Man: Yeah, that’s the one.
Woman: What did you think?
Man: I completely disagree with her. I don’t think there is anything wrong with the library.
Woman: Well, it does get backed-up sometimes.
Man: Only for an hour or so, and that is right after classes let out. The rest of the time it is completely empty. If some students could just wait until later, they could get help no problem and the librarians wouldn’t get so far behind. That’s the only reason it seems so busy.
Woman: Yeah, I suppose you are right.
Man: And, I can’t believe she thinks that the student workers in the library don’t know what they are doing. I know a few of them, and I think that they actually know more than the librarians. One time I needed to find something online for class, and the librarian working didn’t know what I was talking about. However, the student worker helped me find it, print it, and I turned it in no problem.
Woman: Well, if that’s the case, even more librarians probably wouldn’t help then.
Man: Exactly. I hope the school doesn’t take her letter seriously.

Now answer the question.

The man expresses his opinion on the increase in library staff. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

Preparation Time: 30 seconds
Response Time: 60 seconds

The letter is about the library that are short-staffed and hiring more professional librarians can make it more functional. The man disagrees to the idea expressing in the letter. First, most of the time, the library is empty, and it only some certain time , just after the class can be crowded, so students could wait for a while and get help from the librarians, no problem. Moreover, he says that the student workers in the library are very knowledgeable about library materials and resources. They actually know more than the librarians.When he once wanted to find out some material, one of the student workers helped him to find it but the librarians didn’t know what he was talking about. For these reasons, he disagrees and is hoping the school wouldn’t takes her letter seriously.

タスク3・Q3 : Integrated task (統合問題)

TOEFL スピーキングのタスク3では、アカデミックなトピックについて、リーディングとリスニングを踏まえた上でレクチャのポイントを述べることが求められます。




The passage discusses / According to the reading, (リーディングの内容)
The lecture gives an example of the (リーディングのトピック)to illustrate this.
First, (1つ目の例)
Second, (2つ目の例)
Third, (3つ目の例があれば)


Ascribed Status and Achieved Status
All human beings, as individuals, belong to a variety of social groups, and within those groups we all
have a status and a role to fulfill. Our status is defined as our relative social position within a group.
Statuses can vary from culture to culture, but in all societies, statuses are either achieved or ascribed
Achieved statuses are acquired by doing something. A firefighter can become a hero by saving lives, or
a person can become criminal by committing a crime. Ascribed statuses, on the other hand, are the
result of being born into a particular family or being born, for example, a male or a female. They are
not the result of a decision or choice made by the individual.


So, class, today let’s consider the concept of status. When we hear expressions like ‘status symbol,’ we tend to think of status as a higher social position. Remember, however, that social status in this case usually refers to only one kind of status, that is, economic status. In sociology, we are interested in all kinds of statuses. Everyone in this class has both an achieved status and an ascribed status. Your achieved status is that of ‘college student’-you took certain actions and met certain requirements which earned you this status. Your gender, however, was not your choice. You were simply born into it. American society generally emphasizes achieved statuses, and rejects the notion that ascribed statuses should give one member of society an advantage over any other member of society.

Explain the difference between achieved status and ascribed status, using the examples given in the professor’s talk.

the passage discusses all human beings have a status and role to meet. Statuses are divided into ascribed and achieved statuses. The professor provides more detailed example of 2 different statuses and states the difference between achieved status and ascribed status is that achieved status can be chosen, but ascribed status cannot. He says that achieved status is something that can earn. For example, a person who meets some requirements and makes some decisions earns the status of being a college student. Ascribed status is something that people are, sometimes born into. The professor gives the example of gender as ascribed status. A person cannot choose to be born as a male or female. Generally speaking, American society tends to put more emphasis on achieved statuses than ascribed statuses and discourage discrimination on the basis on ascribed statuses.

タスク4 Integrated task (統合問題)

TOEFL スピーキングのタスク4では、アカデミックなトピックについて、リスニングを聞いて質問に答える問題が出題されます。


The lecturer gives information on ….




So class, today, I’m going to talk about radon. Every day we are exposed to the threat of radon in our own homes. The reason is that the airspace in a home is enclosed. The more we ventilate our homes, by opening windows for example, the better our chances of reducing the formation of radon gases. Radon is a natural element in our atmosphere that comes from disintegration of radium. If high concentrations of radon enter our lungs, we increase the chances of getting lung cancer. Radon enters the home through things such as loose pipes or cracks in the floor. It may also enter the house through the water but the majority of it comes from the foundation. There are two ways to test for radon which are called passive and active. An example of a passive tester would be a charcoal disk that collects radon. This disk is then later treated with a chemical to find o u t the concentration of radon in the home. An example of an active tester would be something that uses electricity and continuously monitors the levels. It might be a device that you plug into the wall socket and, like a fire alarm, will beep when it reads a level that is too high. The best way to protect yourself from radon is to check with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. They have a listing of radon levels for all the areas in the U.S. and can tell you if your home is located in one of the danger areas.

Using points and examples from the talk describe the danger of radon and how you can protect yourself from it.

The lecture gives information on Radon, which is naturally occurring element that comes from radium. It can enter homes through a variety of ways. But the most common way is through a foundation of the house. It is found in the air. If you breath in too much, you can get lung cancer. You can protect yourself against it by ventilating your home regularly and testing for radon levels in your home. You can use the passive system which is a piece of charcoal that absorbs radon. This charcoal is later tested with chemicals to determine how much radon is present. You can use the active system which is an electric monitor that is plugged into the wall and beeps when too much radon is present. Another way to protect yourself is to contact U.S. government and get information about which region of the country can contain the most radon.

TOEFLスピーキング フルテストサンプル


TOEFL スピーキングの注意点

スピーキングで時間内で話そうとするとどうしてもピッチを上げて話してしまいがちですが、スピードを上げることがいつもいいことではありません。「speak at normal speed」と言われています。早すぎるとAIの採点の時に判別が難しいくなり、結果的に点数を落としてしまうことになりかねません。 AIが判別できるようにはっきりと少しゆっくりめで話してみましょう。スピーキングは最終的には要点をまとめることが大事ですので、すべてを聞こえたままに話すことではありません。そのほかの大事なポイントは以下の通りです。

  • 聞き取れなくても聞こえた単語をつなげて何とか言い切ること
  • テンプレートを使用していつも答え方のパターンを作ること
  • 常にアウトプットの練習をして45秒と60秒の時間の感覚をつかむこと

TOEFL スピーキングのまとめ



Metropolitan Academy of English

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